Research & Development

Introduction of Research Center

We shall put spurs to developing cutting edge premium smart meter that can lead Korea’s electronic power meter technology and remote reading infrastructure utilizing smart meter data.

Introduction of Research Center

Technology research center of Namjun has raised the stance as Korea’s top technology research center in electronic power meter with constant investment and endless technology development since establishment in August 1998, and is putting spurs to developing integrated remote reading and AMIsolution based on smart meters for smart grid. Also, we are faithfully conducting localization of foreign meters, national tasks, cooperative development tasks with KEPCO, academic service task and new technology development.


We have developed and commercialized low voltage electronic power meter for the first time in Korea, and developed midnight electricity power factor managing low voltage standard electronic power meter one after the other to contribute to localization and expanded use of Korea’s low voltage electronic power meter, and provided the basis for expanding smart meters in the national smart grid project as the frontline terminal device.


From now one, we shall endeavor to have the competency to provide the energy solution suitable for customer requirements by developing the cutting edge premium smart meter that will lead the Korea’s electronic power meter technology and developing remote reading infrastructure utilizing smart meter data.

Customer center tel : +82-55-326-9001 fax : +82-55-326-9004
From 09:00 ~ 18:00 on weekdays

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