Smart Grid Business


Using GIS, provides metering status information in all regions, and by showing the power consumption pattern and power consumption status information of all customers in the service area based on metering data, analyzes the overall power use  status of customers.

Major functions of MDMS

The conceptual function of upper level of MDMS can be classified into 4 areas of ‘receive metering data’, ‘data dissemination and transfer’, ‘data management’ and ‘data storage’, and detailed general functions can be defined as follows.

Key function Explanation
Receive metering data Directly receive and load metering data Store, manage and maintain data
Receive/load different data from AMI infra
Data dissemination and transfer Manage commands Meter on/off etc
Provide data to related systems Expandability to support smart meter goal of government. Information reception and management to support relationship between meter and third party businesses: MMS (MDMS Master Directory)
Provide information to final user Provide data by regular or nonregular request
Data management Validation, Estimation and Editing(VEE) Confirm, evaluate and modify metering data. Provide auditing function for change in data
Predict metering value for control of exception, abnormality or omission
Event processing e.g. Notification of recent rapid increase/outage
Meter inspection value profiling
Calculate price factor Provide pricing data for customers based on price rate structure including time of use(TOU), real time princing(RTP) and critical peak pricing(CPP). Update tariff table (Hourly tariff)
Combine inspected value
Track meter history Provide end to end tracking function by using data within MDMS
Security Provide security for function and data access management
Provide additional functions - Sales omission prevention analysis, power supply plan support, advance payment support, etc.
- Meter location management, usage by household, comparison of usage from previous year, solar power related function

System characteristics

Inspection status information

Based on data collected from all nodes (meter/modem/customers) installed by region, the real time power consumption status, pattern and level by region are shown in chart and list.

Capable of analyzing power status supplied by region (active power, reactive power, apparent power, power factor)

Know required power level by time (of 15 minutes) in each region

Show metering status by region

Show metering error list by region

Load Profile

Show the consumption pattern and status of all customers in the service region in charts, the overall power status of customers can be analyzed.

Metering Data

The billing information by period and consumption pattern of all customers in the service region can be individually checked, and selected information of multiple customers can be compared and analyzed.

Billing Management

Provides report on maximum demand, cumulated usage, monthly usage, TOU price and general price of current month and previous month

Provides management screen to deal with TOU and RTP price to manage the price by section of each plan

Device Management

Manage communication status, event, and time sync status of device

Select by random according to condition to directly set up configuration remotely

Can register new device (modem, meter, etc.)

Batch registration(file format)

Power Quality

Voltage: Indicates voltage (quality of electricity supplied by power company)

Current: Current (load quality: function to know the current status of consumer)

Phase: Information related to load. Know the status of power factor (Whether the power consumption of condenser load is faulty or whether the device such as refrigerator or boiler in use is faulty)

kW: function for monitoring the usage trend (analyze usage pattern of consumer)

kvar: invalid power (Can calculate power factor. Monitoring function of load efficiency of consumer)

KVA: apparent power (kw + kvar)

Power Factor: Power factor (the same as kvar except difference in calculating method)

Sag: Function of monitoring momentary (short and momentary blackout) change in voltage (quality of electricity supplied by power company)

Outage: Blackout status (long blackout)

Voltage THD: Function of monitoring distorted voltage wave sent by power company (total harmonic distortion)

Current THD: Function of monitoring the presence or absence of distorted wave from current of consumer

TDD: Total Distortion Device – capable of monitoring distortion or faulty in device

Phaser: Operation

Frequency: Frequency managing monitor (KEPCO monitors for change of over 60 Hz)

Power Network

Outage Management: Blackout region monitoring (connect to GIS)

Voltage Management: Voltage quality monitoring (connect to GIS)

Transformer: Transformer temperature monitoring (connect to GIS)

DR Management: Two way data management

Tempering Management: Monitoring function for electrical conductance (connect to GIS)

Fault Location Management: Provides location information according to presence or absence of electrical fault (connect to GIS)

Customer center tel : +82-55-326-9001 fax : +82-55-326-9004
From 09:00 ~ 18:00 on weekdays

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